Wednesday, December 11, 2013

The New SIL Maker Club !!!

School for Independent Learners started the SIL Maker Club last night, Tuesday, December 10, 2013, at 5PM. We had a spirited discussion about what the Club could accomplish. There were lots of ideas, such as robots, coding, and blowing things up.

Our first orders of business were:

  • Agreed on the name "Maker Club" (not Robotics Club) because the Club wants to do much more than just robots.
  • Agreed that Wednesdays at 5PM is a better meeting time. All current members can make it, and it enables some LAHS students to make it too.
  • Brainstormed what the Club wants to do. See the attached whiteboard shots.
Tasks to complete before the next meeting:
  1. do the "Hour of Code" at
  2. see if you can figure out Snap (similar to Scratch) at
  3. create a free account at
  4. review - does the Club want to participate?
At the next meeting, we will get started with some circuits. We will learn about:
  • LEDs and resistors
  • solderless breadboards
  • Arduinos, if we have time
Please bring a laptop if you have one.

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