Thursday, February 13, 2014

3D Printer Now At SIL!

The QU-BD Revolution XL 3D Printer  link

It's a long story, but somehow we ended up with 3 3D printers on our dining room table. The "Type A Machines" printer has always worked very well, so Cosmo and I use that one. The XL is promising but never quite worked right. Sitting next to one that worked very well, the XL never got any attention.

The Makers wanting a 3D printer, I told them the XL could be relocated to SIL, but only if they fix it. Great! It took Peter, Mini, and Chris some effort (a few hours over a few days), and I am happy to report that the XL now works!

They even modified the XL hardware. Peter chose to replace a certain part (a component of the Z-axis end stop switch) with a completely different design, which Cosmo printed on the Type A Machines printer. (Why does anybody need more than one 3D printer? Ahh!) After a few more hours of adjustments, the XL works!

More still to do. Rod brackets (shown at right) need to be mounted on the wall to hold a dowel that holds spools of filament. In 3D printer parlance, it's called a "Top Hat". As well, we will need to install a vent hood, so that we can print in ABS plastic without smoking everybody out. Short of better ventilation, we have switched to printing PLA plastic, which does not smell so bad. (ABS is made from petroleum, while PLA is derived from corn starch.)
If you want to use the 3D printer, make arrangements with one of the Maker Club members for a training session.

Tuesday, February 4, 2014

The Tech Challenge Info Clinic This Saturday 10:30 AM

The Tech is having an Info Clinic this Saturday, Feb. 8, at 10:30 a.m. I plan to attend, along with any Makers who would like to join me. If you like, I can pick you up around 9:30 a.m.

To join me, please fill out the form.

REMINDER: The Club meets tomorrow (Wed. 2/5) at 5 p.m. We will be programming Arduinos. Please bring your computer with you.

Sunday, February 2, 2014

3D Printing and Other Making

The SIL Maker Club convened at the Kay house today, where numerous 3D printers adorn the dining room table. The goal was to print the housing for the peristaltic pump, which is to move the water in The Tech Challenge.

Of course, with any 3D printing project, set up the print job, and then wait, wait, wait. Of course, the Makers are always ready to make. Today, in their spare time, they made a hole. Picks, shovels, and pneumatic chisels were employed.

The pump housing seems to have printed successfully.