Tuesday, January 21, 2014

Bridge Design Contest


One of the most common high school engineering traditions is the Bridge Building Contest. I participated in back in 1978, with balsa wood, xacto knives, and glue.

The modern age has a new twist, called the Bridge Design Contest: download the software, design a bridge, and simulate it. The strongest computation wins, just like a video game. No wonder bridges fall down. It has something to do with babies and bath water.

See the latest high school scoreboard.

If you would like to participate, "teams can have no more than two members." Get started at http://bridgecontest.org/enter/how-to-enter/.

Friday, January 17, 2014

Meeting Dedicated to Planning The Tech Challenge

Club members agreed to participate in The Tech Challenge. The meeting was spent discussing how to harness the wind to move water. Members reviewed the rules. For example, it is required to keep a journal/notebook, and any solution should be scalable.

Next meeting: SATURDAY, January 18, 4:00 PM

Wednesday, January 8, 2014

Georgia Tech "Linear Circuits" Starts This Week

Georgia Tech is running their "Linear Circuits" class again, starting this week. The class provides an excellent introduction to electronics (voltage, current, resistors, capacitors, etc.). If you have time, I encourage you to take this class. I will be available to support you however you need.

As it progresses, the course makes use of differential equations. If you don't know this mathematics, don't worry. They tell you what you need to know to do the computations.